Tag Archives: Axehead Press

Axehead Press: Books That Deserve to be Reprinted!

[Yes, I know it’s been eons since I posted an article here on the CR site. If you will forgive my negligence, I will resume writing posts just a wee bit more frequently than once a year. Agreed?-PR]

Here is today’s installment for your Sunday reading pleasure:

There is a GaryNorth.com subscriber who goes by the name of “thetypesetter.” He has been busy doing just what his log-in name implies: type-setting books. Mainly, books by Dr. Gary North and others, which were either out-of-print or never made it into print because they were published as free PDFs.

As you may know, Gary stopped publishing physical books right about the time we were all getting used to calling it the “21st century”. After all, he figured, ‘Why spend thousands of dollars on printing and publishing costs for physical inventory — for each book — when you can spend a fraction of that and publish to your heart’s content all of your books online for free?

Good question. And with an (almost) infinite number of downloads possible. This was the proverbial no-brainer. “Let the reader bear the printing costs! I’m just the author.” This became Gary’s new book-writing mantra.

Once an economist, always an economist.

What’s Wrong with ‘Free’?

Free PDFs are nice. You can download an entire book in just seconds. In the case of free PDFs, you don’t even have to pull out your credit card. You just click a couple of buttons on the screen and presto! The book is yours. Forever.

Problem: reading a PDF book that is hundreds of pages long — or, in the case of Gary’s 31-volume commentaries or his multi-volume Christian Economics series, THOUSANDS of pages of typeset text with footnotes, indexes, the whole enchilada — this is a problem.

I suppose there are folks who don’t mind this chronic, eye-straining arrangement. After all, free is free. “Save money. Live better.”

I prefer to spend a few dollars and buy a hard copy, printed with physical paper and ink. Much easier on the eyes and, frankly, more practical and efficient for those extra-long reads.

Spend money. See better.”

Enter the typesetter.

I won’t divulge his real name. Suffice to acknowledge his literary handiwork. It speaks for itself.

I will divulge the name of his publishing venture: Axehead Press.

Axehead Press

Clever name, no?

Makes you want to go find the nearest river and go swimming in it. Or, name your next man-child, Elijah.

I suggest you go find his website and put your name on his mailing list.

Click here: https://axeheadpress.com/

There are a few choice titles available there now.

Let me be a spoiler if you haven’t already clicked through to visit the site:

The Biblical Structure of History – Gary North’s final book which he completed in Dec. 2021.

The Five Pillars of Biblical Success

The Five Pillars of Biblical Leadership

Unconditional Surrender – Gary’s updated version of his classic, book-length tract.

Sovereignty & Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Genesis (2 vols.) – This is a milestone publication! The opening volumes of Gary’s magnum opus.

God’s Covenants

Productive Christians: A Biblical Response to Socialist Economics – A brand new, completely-re-typeset edition of David Chilton’s unanswerable response to Ronald Sider’s Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger. Axehead’s latest offering.

Christian Economics in One Lesson – This short volume (by Gary’s standards), written as a Bible-based, Christian compliment to Henry Hazlitt’s classic, carries a subtitle worthy of the Puritans:

An introduction to economics based on the conviction that the shortest and surest way to an understanding of this science is through an analysis of God’s covenant.

The list of titles will continue to grow, God willing. This little publishing concern is just getting started.

Sign up for Axehead’s e-mails. That way, Mr. Axehead can notify you whenever a new title is coming available and, by golly, he will even include a discount coupon code to use for your purchase!

By the way, what you are reading here is not a paid advertisement. There aren’t even any affiiliate links for you to click through! (Although, hmmm, that’s not a bad idea…) No, it’s just another article written by Yours Truly.

I am exceedingly grateful for “thetypesetter” and all the hard work and time he is pouring into this worthwhile and much-needed enterprise. He is not just printing stuff to read. His mission is to provide “Kingdom people” with “kingdom books”. Equipping disciples to go out and make disciples.

Amen. Print it, brother.